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Showing posts from March, 2012

a story worth reading.

now, when we read newspaper, we dont even look at these articles written bout current issues. there is a page reserved in all newspapers for these type of articles which are interesting but very long n time consuming. but some day back, i was so alone that i read this article. this person is a gay, a writer and a native of middle east. read it n u discover the gay scene in middle east at that time, the time when it was not legalised. courtesy: deccan chronicle newspaper P.S: if u cant read it, then download the image, zoom in the image n read it.


well, i'm writing this after having sex with a sexy guy. infact my mind works only after having sex :) regardless of top or bottom, all gays have affinity for cocks. dont we??? its like a lolly pop n who doesnt wanna suck a lolly pop. so everyone likes to suck cock, atleast they dream about it.  i remember reading a guy's profile which said "i'm pure top, but i can become a bottom if i meet a guy who has a dick bigger than mine".  well everyone are bottoms at one point of time. infact the joy of sucking a cock is awesome. the guys go crazy when another guy sucks him. but the joy of sucking doesnt come for free. it sometimes can give u TONSILITIS. "sore throat" in common man's word. tonsils are two glands situated in the throat which are of the size of ur testicles. they r called the gateway of man's health. they control the microorganisms {bacteria} from entering the man's body n prevent infections. but since they r also a living st...


BEGINNERS. if u r both movie freak and a gay, then i'm sure u have already watched this movie. i watched it just yesterday n i couldnt resist telling u all bout it. 1st of all, this movie was nominated for the oscars BEST FILM category, best supporting actor in a leading role. and  later CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER Won "best actor in a supporting role" award for this movie too. so i was curious to see what was so special in Mr.plummer's acting. he got the oscar not just for the portrayal of a gay father, but also for his mind blowing acting. the movie revolves around a 38yr old unmarried guy who rewinds back in time and tells the story of his gay father. HAL is out of the closet gay in the times of 1955.  at that time, homosexuality was considered a disease and gays were treated brutally everywhere in the world. but GEORGIA likes Hal and wishes to marry him even though she knows that he s gay. they marry n they have a son oliver. but later in time, georgia dies.after...